He gave us the opportunity to use any of his lenses and he has some Available Light Portraiture equipment there as well such as reflectors and diffusors and was giving us a brief explanation on how to use them to improve our portrait shoots.
Our first location was at an seemingly abandoned barn..
We then headed to the beach/dunes to grab some shots of sunset. The lighting was awesome and the mud as the tide was going out looked like mud slicks.
Although I love the outdoors and beautiful scenery (especially in the fall) I find landscape photography difficult and I honestly don't find taking landscapes as much fun. I like Macro (close-up) photos of things IN nature, but not necessarily of scenes.
We ended at the wind farm just inside the Nova Scotia border at twilight. We were losing light fast and it was sooooooo cold we packed it in rather quick but I found this shot interesting none the less...
All in all I have learned SO much by taking this photography class and it has been well worth it in the long run.
The weekend after our final field trip Kyle had a Birthday! This guy deserves the world and I just wanted him to have a great birthday and I think it was a success. Friends and family all joined together at our local bowling alley where the shoes are nothing but fabulous, the competition is ravenous and the beers are $2.50 a pop. As I'm sure you can tell it was a fantastic night. Three strings later (Myself coming out with the top bowl of the night at 104, I-thank-you) the festivities landed at our place and went into the wee hours of the morn.
Happy Birthday to my Birthday B-Ahoy! Yes there was a pirate theme back at the house and many many pirate accents came out as soon as the eye patch went on. And yes he wore his pirate hat all night which I had written Birthday B-Ahoy on.
Future ventures... Well as I mentioned before, I'm much more inspired to photograph people and plans are in the works to increase my skills (and my portfolio) by practicing practicing practicing. And how to get this practice, but by providing my photographing services to all who are willing to be some of my first clients!
Interested? Email: annielouisephotography@gmail.com
Until next time...