Well hello to you all.. or to myself - as I'm most likely the only
person who will read this blog. This is my first venture into blogging
and I've decided to start one for a few reasons:
1 - I am currently unemployed and looking for something to fill my time and motivate me to do something, anything...
2 - I enjoy cooking and eating and would love to share my adventures and failures in both of these areas..
3 - I just purchased a new Canon Rebel T3 and would love to share the extremely slow process of actually learning how to use it..
4 - I
am hopefully moving to London, England next September and would love to
use this as a way to share my adventures in the UK with friends and
5 - My life is changing dramatically and I'm
trying to figure out where I fit and what direction I'm going in! And
what better way to do that but on a blog! It'll be great to share all
the new and exciting things that are happening around me such as
weddings and houses and jobs etc!
So I hope you enjoy this and if you don't well it's an outlet for me none-the-less! : )
xo *A