Saturday, 30 June 2012

Summer Reads, HP and Downtown Activity..

My Bucket List check offs have had a slow start however, the other day during a date night with K we strolled into Chapters between dinner and the movie. K was looking for Game of Thrones or something, and I was just looking.

On my Bucket List I've decided I want to read three NEW books this summer. The reason I emphasize NEW is because I am currently re-reading the Harry Potter series... let's just say I've already read it a few times, especially the last book. But there's a very good reason for the re-read! I promise. K is the best and he got my the Adult Collector's Edition set of HP books for Christmas and I just feel it's an injustice to have not cracked the seal on the beauties at least once!

Now my dilemma is whether I will finish my current book (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the 5th and largest book of the series at 766 pages) and continue on to complete the series before moving on my my goal of three OTHER books this summer or will I take a little hiatus?

Well either way, and back to paragraph one, at Chapters the other day I purchased my potential new reads for the summer. And Friday morning over my coffee I was trying to figure out which book would be my next/first read!

Here is what I picked up:

1. Fifty Shades of Grey - E. L. James

      When I went to the cash with this the male cashier commented "Joining the revolution, eh?" And I said, "Figured I gotta see what it's all about!" What do I expect? An easy read, and something a little sassy. Dare I say, "classy" romance novel? Probably shouldn't. But I like sassy so I'm going to go for it.

2. My Horizontal Life - Chelsea Handler

      Do I realize this makes two sexuality bases summer reads? Yes. But Chelsea Handler is absolutely hilarious and I quickly read the first chapter in the book store and wanted to read more so there we go!

3. The Weird Sisters - Eleanor Brown

      I'm really excited for this one. I've gotten into many conversations with people about the roles we play with our siblings and how potentially birth order can contribute to our personalities and that's what this book is all about. It's three sisters temporarily moving back home when their mother gets sick, all with individual recent failures. I'm super intrigued. I've got three sisters and a brother. I grew up in the same house as two of my sisters and a brother and we're seperated by 10 years. One sister 5 years older, one sister 5 years younger. It's a very interesting dynamic to say the least! We're all so similar and so different in SO many ways, so I think with this read I'll be finding a lot of us in it!

So I think I will jump into some NEW books once I'm done HP and the O of the P.

To leave you with a treat:

These beauts were strolling down main street today, along with many other costumed crusaders! There was an Anime-con at the Delta Beausejour!

It was a treat for me. Now it's a treat for you.

P.S. They would not speak, but they would silently bicker and playfully fight with each other?! Funny.


Thursday, 28 June 2012

Brunch, Precious Moments and Bridesmaid Duties

Last weekend was chalk full of belated father's day festivities (which included ordered-in Chinese Food and a Katherine Heigl Rom-Com with the whole fam), extremely large brunches and little second cousins' high school Graduation parties!

Saturday my main man and I (mostly K, but I was a key player in the french toast) whipped up a huge brunch for ourselves and our roomies. It was really quite impressive. I like taking photos of food.

Yeah, see that french toast. Looks good, huh?

There wasn't only coffee, slices fruit and incredible french toast. There was scrambled eggs. You'd be able to see them if the french toast wasn't stealing the spot light.

But there was homestyle (which I've decided means thicker, fattier and more delicious) bacon, breakfast sausages, and English muffins! It was a serious spread for four people (One roommate was sadly missing) but we did pretty darn well as polishing this table off.

Later that afternoon we headed to good ole Port Elgin for my two little second cousins' high school Graduation party. Yes my Second cousin is graduating high school. I used to babysit him and his siblings. His mother used to babysit me and my siblings. I have a huge family, and my mom is the youngest of 8 children so there are strange generation gaps.

I didn't get many pics due to lack of opportunity and grounded-ness (boy are these kids popular!) and it was pouring rain but I did get a few jems of my cousin's little girl Eva. Both her and her older brother both look like precious moments characters. Big huge blue eyes, droopy long eyelashes. Adorable.

She was having a blast in the water!

Mid-week I spent a fantastic day doing all things wedding with the lovely Jenna and holy guacamole did we ever get a lot of things checked off the to-do list! Including.... the ever taunting... ever foreboding... seating chart.

I had experience helping my older sister with hers and Jenna was not looking forward to it at all as she had previously tried to tackle it on her computer. Being the teacher I am, I decided we needed visuals. So we hit the floor.

We started with a replica of the floor plan with numbered tables. Then Jenna used a circle punch to punch out each guests name individually.

Oh yeah, and they were color coded and organized according to relation to the bride and groom.

Then we started to place names at tables, and then moved them all around... and then moved some more. We also found we needed four extra seats so a phone call to the tent vendor was called for.

The groom jumped in as well. He doesn't look perplexed at all, eh?

After approximately four hours...

It was complete! And worked out quite well, we believe! After finishing this we were spent and headed off to bed.

Today marks two weeks until rehearsal dinner and other wedding festivities will truly begin. It's so exciting and I couldn't be happier to have helped Jenna knock a few more things off her wedding list! She's got everything organize and mapped out, she'll be a real asset in my wedding party one day haha. Jenna will be the most beautiful bride and her and Jesse are just going to continue to be the most beautiful couple. Can't wait.

Also, a bocce ball set has been purchased. Bucket list task soon to be checked off. Many other plans are unfolding. Stay tuned.

* A

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Official-ness, Magic, and DJ Jazzy Jeff

I started Thursday in a special way, because it was a special day! Good rhyme... eh?

Thursday was special for a few different reasons: It was the first official day of summer, and it was the last official day of school for the students! In true first day of summer style it was beautiful outside so I decided to have my Everything bagel with cream cheese and coffee on our back porch.

Yes. That is a Ministry of Magic coffee mug. I got it from my secret place of work - the Ministry of Magic. I work there. Cause I'm a wizard. Or I'm delusional and wish I did and am a huge Harry Potter fan. You'll continue to have proof of that I'm sure.

So although I still had one more day of work at school, I felt a real sense of accomplishment. I finished a three-month stint working as an EA (Educational Assistant, working with special needs students in the classroom) with a difficult case. It was tough and very trying on my patients but I have learned so much and will take this valuable experience into my teaching career. I came out alive and still with love in my heart for children and a passion for teaching so it was a success!

Thursday night we had the beautiful couple Jenna and Jesse over, as well as my little sister Alli (the rest of my family made appearances through out the night) and we BBQ'ed, had some Squashed Lemonade and Raspberry Vodka, and played some frisbee in the backyard! It was great! : )

Now it is the weekend and the weather's plan is to rain, rain and rain! Looks like some sleep and cuddles are in order.

I will say it again. I'm a lucky girl. An incredible family, a loving boyfriend and a chosen career I get excited about despite the frustrating job availability.

And it's officially Summer.

Here's a special treat for you, thank me later after the smile spreads across your face and this is stuck in your head FOREVER.


Monday, 18 June 2012

Holuomi, Quinoa and A Good Man

Today after working my regular 7:45am to 3:00pm job at the school, I had to go into my second job at the Gastropub for 6 oclock because it was beautiful and sunny outside. Therefore the patio was bumpin'. I worked only a four hour shift at the Gastropub but it still makes for a very long day. Especially when it was Field Day at school today and since the student I'm currently working with has trouble with competition it was a tad tiresome. But it was beautiful out so that was great, and each day increases to the patience of an oyster (Cause they squeeze those rocks for an insane amount of time before they become pearls and all) I've gained over the past three months, so all in all, life is swell but it's a long day.

K works late on Mondays so he was picking up some groceries on his way home, and had been messaging me about what I'd like for lunches, etc. He knew I hadn't had time to eat before I went into work at 6 and when I got home, I came home to this beauty of a meal...

Not only is it amazing to have such a great man waiting at home for you after a long day, but he cooks too! What we've got here is Chicken Curry on the left, over Quinoa and a great Salad with Balsalmic Vinagerette and Avocado. Oh, the white blocks on top of the salad? That's Holuomi. Apparently Holuomi is this cheese K always had when he lived in Australia. It's got a high melting temperature so you can grill it up, which is why it's all brown. And extra delicious.

Well to say the least, this meal was fantastic. That cheese blew my mind. I love cheese in general but this cheese... well not only was it delicious, salty and squeaky. But K has also searched high and low for it and finally found it at the International Market in Moncton called The Blue Olive which makes it even more yummy some how. 

I seriously am a lucky lucky girl.

Now I've gotta figure out what delicious meal I'm going to cook him up next!?


Sunday, 17 June 2012

Ferris Wheel and Flash Back to Chicka Cherry Cola

This weekend my boyfriend's cousin Christa got married on a beautiful private golf course in Rexton and it was an incredible weekend. The location was amazing, the decor was adorable, the food was BBQ (and who doesn't love BBQ) and the couple are so in love and happy. It was all fantastic.

On our way out of town, K (my boyfriend/main man, has a full name but we'll stick with K for blog purposes) and I were getting some food and beverages and running around town getting ready and we saw that the Bill Lynch was in town in the parking lot behind the bowling alley! I haven't been to the Bill Lynch since I was in middle school, maybe high school but wow did it ever bring back memories. All I thought of was All Saints, Early Britney Spears, B4-4, Chumbawamba "Tubthumping" and Savage Garden. Specifically Savage Garden "Truly, Madly, Deeply" and the big one.. "Cherry Cola" BLASTING on the speakers in the Gravatron as we stuck to the sides of the spinning dance party. Man oh man. Those were the days.

The Gravatron unfortunately was no longer an attraction at the traveling amusement park however The Zipper sure was, and it was as terrifying and sketchy looking as always.

The point is, K had remembered that riding a Ferriswheel is on my Summer 2012 Bucket List and he drove straight on over so we could hop right on the "Expo Wheel" - as the Bill Lynch calls it. Yes, I have been on a Ferriswheel before, this bucklet list is not so much things I want to try and more just things I'd like to do to pack my summer full of awesome times.

Tickets were crazy expensive, we needed 8 (4 tickets are required per person for the ferris wheel) and it was 10 dollars! Wild right?

It was a blast though, and the result is that I've got my first Bucket List item checked off! And what a great way to start off a Saturday filled with festivities than with a spontaneous Ferris wheel ride!?

K's got some serious photo taking skills.

Hopefully I'll be getting many more bucket list items checked off soon, with school being done in FOUR DAYS, as I'll have a bit more free time (despite moving to full time at the bar) to do some summer activities!


Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Summer 2012 Bucket List.. Attempt at distraction

The summer of 2012 marks the first summer in 7 years that I haven't worked at a camp. The past five amazing summers I have spent in the beautiful state of Maine at a children's camp that has changed my life and those of many others. TODAY marks counselor arrival day and I've had just a few (short lived cause I'm being strong) tears at the thought of things really getting going without me.

This beautiful camp in Maine is a place where I feel I've grown the most as a person, I've discovered who I am and what my potential is. It is a place I feel I can make a difference, I'm fulfilled each and every day, and I feel a true sense of worth and accomplishment. I have also met some of the most incredible people that I love and respect dearly, and will always hold close to my heart. I've learned so much from every single person I've met through my five years there and still find myself aching to hear their voices very often. I will miss it dearly this summer but I have this sneaking feeling I will be back on Crescent Lake very soon. All this aside, this summer holds many amazing things for me; much needed family time with two sisters who have been away all year (one at university, one in the Great White North), many weddings of those I love, and amazing adventures in an incredible relationship.

A wonderful friend of mine Crimson is taking over my position from the past two summers and holy guacamole she's going to do an amazing job. I wish her all the best and my heart and inner child will be with you all at camp all summer!

So in order to attempt to make this an amazing first summer as a true adult at home in the Maritimes, I've created a bucket list with a whopping 56 items on it to try and accomplish over the next two and a half to three months. I will be working at the Gastropub as well as attending quite a few weddings and wedding festivity weekends but I'm determined to get as much crossed off this list as I can. And of course provide photographic evidence of it all.

So here it is, I'll keep you updated if you keep me motivated.

Summer 2012 Bucket List

Fly the trick kite
Use binoculars, and see something cool
Have a picnic
Do the Cabot Trail
Hike at Fundy
Go Camping
Make a fort (outside and in)
Read 3 New Books
Go to the Drive-in
Play beach volleyball
Do a Public Art of Moncton Tour
Play bocce ball
Play Washer Toss
Watch July 1st Fireworks
Water balloon/gun fight

Create a sidewalk chalk masterpiece
Build a sand castle
Blow Bubbles
Play Mini Golf
Go on a road trip
Throw a football in the street
Make a root beer/orange float
Go geo-caching
Go to my first ever IMAX show
Make homemade Arnold Palmers
Make popsicles
Catch a firefly
Ride a Ferris wheel
Organize a softball or football game with friends
Kayak and/or Canoe
At least one outdoor concert
Go to an Art Exhibition at the Aberdeen Cultural Center
Spend one whole day barefoot
Visit a lighthouse
Go to the Hopewell Rocks (Never been!)
Go mud-sliding
Do a 1000 piece puzzle
Go to a botanical garden
Go on a bike ride
Go to the Tall Ships Festival in Halifax
Learn to Double Dutch
Visit a farm
Make milkshakes
Have a face paint day
Go to Portland, ME
Go-cart and win
Go to the zoo
Play scrabble in a park
Get a tattoo
Do a local Brewery Tour (Picaroons, Garrison, Keith’s, etc)
Patio Hop in Halifax (Hopefully with some StFX Loves)
Visit Beaton in St. John’s
Write real letters to friends at camp
Learn how to do yoga
Enjoy the Acadian Festival in Downtown Moncton

Here's the original scribblings of Bucketlist ideas laying on our lawn.

Wish me luck. Wish me fun. Wish me an adventure.


Tuesday, 12 June 2012

New Season! Outdoor Ultimate

So since Christmas I have started a new activity: Ultimate Frisbee!

It's been a blast so far and is great exercise. Apparently this is a growing sport and the east coast is picking it up and representing in Canadian Frisbee pretty well! After two seasons playing with fellow teachers and students from the high school I did my internship at in the indoor sports Dome in Moncton, we now move into some real deal outdoor soccer pitch frisbee, 7 on 7. Tonight was our first game, we went into it being ranked #2 since we won the previous season and we played the #1 ranked team. And guess what y'all: We won! Woot! 6 -4! So starting the season off great!

After two seasons with the same team, we needed more players since outdoor is now 7 on 7 and so we've picked up quite a few new players, one of which is my little sister who's home from university.

So being camp folk like we are, we decided our team's shirts should probably be tie-dye. And so they are.

I obviously volunteered to purchase and tie-dye our team shirts last week at practice because I like to try and do everything and anything even when I don't have the time or energy SO my amazing little sis took on the task and tie-dyed all the shirts this weekend. I of course couldn't let go of total control and gave very explicit instructions cause I'm a damn good tie-dyer and I like to have control way too much.So she did and they turned out great!

So we needed to put our names on our back obviously and since we're sisters we figured we had to have something very... sistery!? So we brainstormed..

Yes that is a giant bag of fabric paint. I told you. I am camp.

We went with Lil' Copp and Big Copp. We were thinking Good Copp and Bad Copp but... who wants to be Good Copp? No one.

I'm super excited that The Lil' has joined our team! It's something super fun for us to do together and it's going to make for a great summer. And now we can motivate each other to do some exercise during the week cause this outdoor half a soccer field ultimate is much more physically demanding!


Monday, 11 June 2012

My First Main Man.

My Dad.

Is Fantastic.

We've spent a lot of time together over the past year between his retirement and my period of unemployment. He's Country. He's Strong. He's Silent. He's Supportive. He's Hilarious. He's Warm, Generous, and Way More Sensitive then he'd ever let on. I miss him now that I've moved out and in with my other Main Man. I miss my Mom too. But It's good. For us all.

My Dad bought a truck. He's always wanted a truck. He said he'd better buy one before he dies, so he bought one. Then he bought a huge trailer to pull with it. He loves his truck. And he loves his kids.

This is my Dad driving me around in his new big truck. He loves getting his picture taken.

Don't take the serious face too serious.

He WILL let me drive that bad boy one day. Maybe out on the back roads of the New Brunswick-Nova Scotia border like when I was a kid. Love him.

Don't point Dad. It's rude!


Sunday, 10 June 2012

Weddings All Around

This past weekend has been much anticipated between my friends and I for months and months! It was my bestie Jenna's Bridal Shower and Bachelorette weekend!! Sally (the MOH) planned the shower for the most part and Stephanie and I (the other bridesmaid) took care of most of the Bachelorette details! Since Sally is living in Ottawa currently (with her wonderful husband and childhood friend of mine Bryan - being a big time chef and whatnot!) this seemed like the easier root to take!
The Bride Jenna and the MOH Sally

I will say it was an AMAZING weekend and I think that Jenna had an incredible time, felt special and loved and got to spend lots of time with the girls so I chalk that up as a success! We had a beautiful and very pinteresty shower at Sally's beautiful Shediac cottage on Friday evening! Sally did an amazing job and really went all out, especially with the food!

Saturday we started the day with brunch, had some primping time with the ladies then got things going with some punch, games, limo, scavenger hunt and VIP table for the evening! We couldn't be happier with how things went, and Jenna deserves all of it and more!
Photo Cred to Ms Hartlen

Guests wore all black and fascinators (the head things) and Jenna was all sparkly and white!

Morning After Mug Shots

My friend Jenna is one of the just absolutely kindest and sweetest people you can find and definitely the best friend a girl could ask for! Her and her fiance Jesse have been together for TEN years, (since we were 14) and they are just perfect for each other. They are such a beautiful couple and I can't wait for their wedding and to continue to watch their amazing relationship and be a part of their lives! The wedding is in July and a wedding means a honeymoon, and a honeymoon means I get to babysit my best buddy JUDE for the week! So excited!

Not only is Jenna's wedding this summer but my friend from University is getting married the same exact day (Sorry Martha to have to miss it!) and I have the pleasure of MCing the nuptials of my good friend and former roommate Kim and her fiance James' wedding to wrap up the summer on Labor day weekend! So many weddings, so much Love!

Congratulations to all you love birds out there!


So Let's Try This Blogging Thing Again...

Well, I started the blog in February. I felt ambitious. Then I felt I had nothing worth while to say. So I'm going to jump back into it again and just post anyway, and we'll see if anything interesting turns up!

Many exciting things have been happening lately! It's been a busy few months. I finally got a job. Well I got two jobs in the same week actually. So it's proved to be very busy since about mid-march but after being unemployed for so long it was much appreciated for a few different reasons. Two jobs meant I wasn't bored out of my mind anymore, which was nice for me but also very nice for my fantastic boyfriend who I think I was driving a bit nuts with my waiting for him to get home everyday and being WAY too excited and starved for attention by that time. And because let's face it, I'm supposed to be a grown up and grown ups need money for things like food, cars, loan payments, rent and so on.

The fantastic boyfriend, and my first capture of sun beams.

So since March I have gotten two jobs, one as an Education Assistant and one serving at a great gastropub downtown, I have moved in with that fantastic boyfriend I was just telling you about, I've played some serious ultimate frisbee, I've planned a bachelorette, and I've decided that I am not going to be heading to London for the year in September.

Now, I've decided not to go to London for many different reasons, financial issues for one thing, the serious grown up career teaching job search is extremely tough right now and taking a year away from the district could be more harmful then helpful, and my relationship situation has changed dramatically. When I decided to go I was a single lady, fresh off a breakup and looking for an adventure and new outlook. Which is much different from being extremely happy in a relationship and knowing that I'll be sharing adventures with this man for a long time to come. So bottom line is I'm not going for the year but I will be getting to Europe, and hopefully soon. I'm extremely confident in my decision and I can't wait for what is to come over the next year.

So I'm back to the blog and I can't wait to continue to update it much more regularly from now on. So stay tuned!
