Monday, 15 October 2012

Weekend Happenings: Corn Maze, Wine and The "Imbo's"

In around mid-September Kimbo and I discussed how we needed to schedule a visit and really make it happen, so this past weekend was it and it couldn't have been a better weekend! They got in late Friday night and we sat around, had some wine and chatted the night away!

 On Saturday we got up, made a delicious breakfast (Well Kyle was up and made it and woke us all up to eat... he's such a good host) and then we headed off to Salsbury to hit up the Green Pig Country Market to get some pumpkins and venture through their Corn Maze!

We got maps to use to find our way through...

James was SUPER pumped about the maze! 

 If you can tell by our clothing... it was freezing out on Saturday, and very windy. The Imbo's said the temperature dropped as soon as they crossed into New Brunswick...

There were even some bridges so you could look over the whole maze..

I gave the map up to Kim real fast... it was just too much pressure!

It had rained a whole bunch on Friday so the paths were just a tad muddy!

There was actual corn on the stalks! And you could see some animals had gotten into the field quite a bit... that made us all agree we wouldn't want to do the night-time flash light maze adventure..


So this last photo in the maze was taken at the furthest point away from the exit.. and from that point on it was every man/woman for themselves. We each went different ways and the last one out was to buy the first round. And the rankings were... drumroll please: Kim #1, Myself #2, James #3 and Kyle #4...

Girls rule obviously.

So then we went to blast some pumpkins cause... it was an option and who doesn't want to shoot a mini pumpkin out of a canon at 90km/h??

The Corn Maze and Market was such a fun time. We picked out some pumpkins to carve which we will be doing later this week! And then we headed home for a little rest and to get ready for the evening. We went to the restaurant I work at for dinner and drinks then hit up a few other places downtown as well!

All I'll say about the rest of the night was like we got home at about 2am, cracked some more wine and headed to bed around 6am... Let's just say we probably solved all of the worlds problems and planned three weddings through-out the span of the night's conversations.

It was such a great weekend and I can't wait to see them again very soon! 


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